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Eat Food. Lose Weight. It’s This Simple.

Does the word “diet” make you cringe? Are you ready to lose weight for real and keep it off? Do you want to lose weight the easy way and without sacrificing your health or flavor? If so, keep reading.

This groundbreaking program is evolving the way people view weight loss. In fact, it is a revolutionary way to achieve weight loss while regaining your health and your self-confidence.

Never again will you decline an invitation to a social event because you’re self-conscious. Life happens and there are many reasons why you may have put on 5, 10, 15 or even an extra 100 pounds.

This program is your rescue jacket. You’re going to indulge in delicious, whole foods and lose weight at the same time. You will feel physically great, look outstanding and regain a confident smile. Your social life will improve and so will your health.

So what’s the catch?

Your commitment. We provide you with the magic wand to weight loss. Well, sort of.  Our magic wand is a series of tools and steps that are easy to understand and implement into everyday life- no matter how busy you are!

This is SO much more than a diet. It’s an all-encompassing approach to your health that considers factors beyond food that are affecting your bigger health picture. Ones like exercise, sleep, stress, mood, and your go-go-go lifestyle. (Hint: They play a bigger role in weight loss than you’ve been led to believe.)

Here’s what you’ll get when you join The 6-Week Metabolic Reset Program:

  • Instantly Downloadable “Kitchen Clean Out Check List” and "the Big 3 Macro's: Carbs, Proteins & Fat" to jump-start your journey. This time, things ARE going to be different. You’ll learn all the ins and outs of how to fire up your metabolism and finally understand what kinds of foods you should be eating.
  • Done-for-you personalized food portion plan that’s entirely customizable and family-friendly. I’d never expect you to make “special meals” for your husband and kids, or ask them to choke down kale salad. These are nutrient-dense, yummy whole food dishes that I’ve already tested with my own 4 and 5-year-old (and meat-faithful teen).You’ll follow your personalized food portion plan daily. You’ll know what foods to eat and portion sizes you should be eating for breakfast, lunch, dinner and 2 snacks. All you need to do is pick and choose which kinds of food you want to eat, reference the portion size and enjoy them. Plus, you can choose to eat gluten, wheat and dairy-free. BONUS: you get a handy-dandy "Food Swap" list giving alternative suggestions for when you’re dealing with picky eaters or want to adjust portion sizes.
  • Nutritionist-Approved Recipe Book of 20 mouth-watering dishes your entire family will eat up (and then ask for seconds)! Get ready to make your taste buds dance with delight with these fat-burning recipes (intimidation factor not included).Every recipe is quick and easy to make with ingredients that are available at your local grocery store. You’ll go from prep to “done-like-dinner” in 30 minutes or less, and be left feeling full and satisfied every time. BONUS: time hacks for prepping a week’s worth of meals in a few short hours, limiting how much you cook during the week, and breezing through kitchen cleanup in under 30 minutes.
  • Weekly tips and handouts delivered via email. When you join this program, you’ll have me there to guide you every step of the process. So you agonize less over what you’re supposed to be doing and focus on the more important part: actually doing Here’s what we’ll cover:
  • Week 1: Getting Started with real Foods
  • Week 2: How to Curb Cravings
  • Week 3: How to Determine Portion Sizes
  • Week 5: Grocery Shopping Made Easy
  • Week 5: How to Choose Carbs Wisely
  • Week 4: Eating on the Go
  • Instantly Downloadable “Nutrition Journal”. Keep tabs on your progress and form new habits faster with a daily food and water journal.
  • Exclusive Access to our Private FB Community. You’ll get the support of an entire community of like-minded women who are on this health journey alongside you. With this kind of accountability, you won’t have a chance to fall off track like all the other times. Share tips and recipes, celebrate your wins, and get the inspiration you need to push you through your stickiest spots. (It’s also a safe place to vent when things don’t go as planned.)

So let’s cut straight to the part you may have decided to skip right down to (you little rebel, you):

The investment.

All of the above is yours for a one-time, surprisingly small investment of


That’s right. (Do not adjust your screen.)

 And the BEST part is this bonuses:

5 Secrets to fat loss video tutorial (Week 1)

The Best Food Swap video tutorial (Week 4)

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This science-based program is different because it focuses on lifestyle changes, not theories that don’t apply to real life.

Your commitment to this program, and your health and appearance, has to be driven by an internal desire to be the best you possible –especially if you have children or are planning to have children.

You can do this!

You have the power to follow the program’s simple and yummy meals plans. The done-for-you recipe book and food swap list are empowering and easy to follow. Your food journal helps you identify and correct unhealthy eating habits.

You also will receive real-world grocery lists that can be applied to any neighborhood grocery store.

 BEST PART: You won’t have to spend extra money and drive to the end of the Earth to find the foods recommended by this program. We provide an easy-to-buy guide for whole foods that promote weight loss and are offered at your regular grocery store.

The trailblazing program also delivers educational handouts. You will not have to question “why” we are suggesting certain foods or techniques. We provide the complimentary information so you not only follow this program, but you understand it!

You are not alone with this program.

While you are your only advocate in life, we are going to provide you with unlimited support through the private Facebook group. This group is like a cheerleading team that will encourage you during the good times and support you when times become stressful or temptation rears its ugly head!

You have to be in charge of you! The weight loss isn’t going to come off simply because you buy this program! You have to implement it and here’s why you should;

  • It helps you choose foods that support digestion and dramatically reduce gas, bloating and heartburn
  • It provides you with a feeling of relief knowing which strategic foods you should be eating at each of your meals and snacks
  • You will understand how to combine foods to promote balanced blood sugar levels
  • You will learn how to banish cravings and mid-afternoon energy slumps with our well balanced PM snack suggestions
  • You will learn how to eat for your own health symptoms and body type through using our personalized plan and food list
  • You will gain a solid understanding of your own physiological so that you can combat and kill food cravings without binging
  • You can avoid binging later on in the evening when you follow our personalized plan detailing proper portion sizes for foods easily found at any grocery store
  • You will learn to eat whole foods the reduce inflammation allowing your body to function optimally
  • You will discover the keys to weight loss, weight maintenance, improved health leading all through eating food you love that is easily found at any grocery store.

STOP doing what you know. Start learning how to grow.

Commit to a healthier life that allows positive energy and good things to come your way. When you feel good, positive energy follows and amazing things happen to you!

Think about it… When you’re having a bad day it always seems like there is one thing after another. When you have a great day and you feel good, you attract so much more out of life! You sparkle, you shine and you’re building great habits for your future!

This program will also help you to;

  • Ramp up metabolism
  • Decrease PMS and menopausal symptoms
  • Support the cardiovascular system
  • Heal digestive system complaints
  • Improve bowel function
  • And much more!

This time next week your metabolism can be in a better place. Fat can start to melt away from your body. You will feel sexier and happier.

This time next week you can reflect on today and pat yourself on the back for being proactive about both your health and your appearance.

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Life is change. No one is ever happy or healthy when they stay the same. This progressive program is everyday-friendly and doesn’t feel like work. You won’t bore your taste buds and you won’t feel like you’re on a diet- because you’re not!

Are you ready to introduce yourself to a new and healthier way of life?

Are you ready to donate your closet full of wrong-size clothing to those in need?

Are you ready to be the best you possible?

Are you ready to walk into your next doctor’s appointment only to proudly announce that you’ve taken charge of your weight and your health?

Remember, this is a revolutionary lifestyle change- not a quick fad diet that only leaves you with rebound weight gain. Your health is worth way more than the affordable cost of the program.

Click your way to a new you and take advantage of all that is included with this program;
⦁ Meal plans
⦁ Recipe Book
⦁ Food Swap List
⦁ Food Journal
⦁ Weekly Grocery Lists
⦁ Weekly Educational Handout
⦁ Accountability, Motivation and Support

All of the above is yours for a one-time, surprisingly small investment of $47.  And don't forget the bonuses:

5 Secrets to fat loss video tutorial (Week 1)

The Best Food Swap video tutorial (Week 4)

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Still on the fence?

If you’re worried this 6-Week Metabolic Reset won’t work for you, I invite you to commit today, do all of your “homework”, and follow the meal plan that’s outlined.

I’m confident that this approach works and have seen the results first-hand with the women I’ve worked with over the past 10 years. But if you decide this isn’t right for you within the first 30 days, no worries! I’ll offer a risk-free guarantee and refund every last cent.

I want to make it easy for you to say yes and start seeing changes fast. If you aren’t completely satisfied with the material during the 30-day trial, just send me an email with your completed nutrition diary and accountability exercises from the 5 Secrets to fat loss video you were asked to complete. If you’ve made the effort and still haven’t gotten what you wanted out of the program, you’ll get your full $47 investment back, no questions asked.

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